共计 5079 个字符,预计需要花费 13 分钟才能阅读完成。
Flutter Snippets
Snippet |
Widget |
Description |
fscaf |
Scaffold Widget |
Creates a Scaffold widget |
fex |
Expanded Widget |
Creates a Expanded widget |
ftxt |
Text Widget |
Creates a Text widget |
fic |
Icon Widget |
Creates a Icon widget |
fcont |
Container Widget |
Creates a Container widget |
fcent |
Center Widget |
Creates a Center widget |
frow |
Row Widget |
Creates a Row widget |
fcol |
Column Widget |
Creates a Column widget |
fstk |
Column Widget |
Creates a Column widget |
falign |
Align Widget |
Creates a Align widget |
ftextbtn |
TextButton Widget |
Creates a TextButton widget |
fab |
FloatingActionButton Widget |
Creates a FloatingActionButton widget |
ficbtn |
IconButton Widget |
Creates a IconButton widget |
felevbtn |
RaisedButton Widget |
Creates a RaisedButton widget |
fgesdet |
GestureDetector Widget |
Creates a GestureDetector widget |
fink |
InkWell Widget |
Creates a InkWell widget |
fdrawer |
Drawer Widget |
Creates a Drawer widget |
fmeque |
MediaQuery Widget |
Creates a MediaQuery widget |
ftheme |
Theme Widget |
Creates a Theme widget |
flogo |
FlutterLogo Widget |
Creates a FlutterLogo widget |
fszb |
SizedBox Widget |
Creates a SizedBox widget |
fszbw |
SizedBox Widget with width |
Creates a SizedBox widget with width |
fszbh |
SizedBox Widget with height |
Creates a SizedBox widget with height |
flistv |
ListView Widget |
Creates a ListView widget |
fnav |
Navigation Widget |
Creates the Navigation widget |
fpop |
Navigator pop |
Creates the Navigator pop function |
Import Snippets
Import |
Package |
Description |
impM |
material Package |
Import Material package |
impC |
cupertino Package |
Import Cupertino package |
impS |
services Package |
Import Services package |
impF |
foundation Package |
Import Foundation package |
impH |
http Package |
Import HTTP package |
impURL |
url_launcher Package |
Import URL_Launcher package |
impP |
provider Package |
Import Provider package |
impGF |
google_fonts Package |
Import Google_Fonts package |
impPP |
path_provider Package |
Import Path_Provider package |
impB |
flutter_bloc Package |
Import Flutter_Bloc package |
impGF |
sqflite Package |
Import Sqflite package |
impFS |
flutter_screenutil Package |
Import Flutter_Screenutil package |
Shortcut Snippets
Shortcut |
Expanded |
Description |
screen |
Scaffold with text |
Creates a screen with text in center |
devprev |
Device Preview |
Creates a screen with the syntax of Device Preview Package |
mateapp |
Material App |
Creates a new screen with Material App |
cupeapp |
Cupertino App |
Creates a new screen with Cupertino App |
build |
Build Method |
Describes the part of the user interface represented by the widget. |
customPainter |
Custom Painer |
Creates custom painter |
customClipper |
Custom Clippers |
Creates custom clippers |
initS |
InitState |
Called when this object is inserted into the tree. The framework will call this method exactly once for each State object it creates. |
dis |
Dispose |
Called when this object is removed from the tree permanently. The framework calls this method when this State object will never build again. |
caa |
CrossAxisAlignment |
Creates CrossAxisAlignment |
maa |
MainAxisAlignment |
Creates MainAxisAlignment |
appbar |
Custom AppBar widget |
Creates Custom AppBar widget |
fstyle |
Flutter TextStyle property |
Creates Flutter TextStyle |
defaultApp |
Default Counter App |
Creates Default Counter App |
fstring |
Flutter String snippet |
Creates Flutter String snippet |
fcolor |
Flutter Color snippet |
Creates Flutter Color snippet |
fequatable |
Flutter Equatable class snippet |
Creates Equatable class snippet |
fapptext |
Flutter AppText class snippet |
Creates AppText class snippet for Strings used in app |
fappimage |
Flutter AppImage class snippet |
Creates AppImage class snippet for Image assets used in app |
fappcolor |
Flutter AppColors class snippet |
Creates AppColors class snippet for Color used in app |
Flutter Widget Snippets
Snippet |
Description |
fstful |
StatefulWidget snippet. This is an alternative of stful |
fstless |
StatelessWidget snippet. This is an alternative of stless |
fscaff |
Scaffold widget snippet |
fedgall |
EdgeInsets widget snippet with named constructor all |
fedgonly |
EdgeInsets widget snippet with named constructor only |
ftxt |
Text widget snippet |
finitlf |
Flutter initState lifecycle method snippet |
fic |
Flutter Icon widget snippet |
fcont |
Flutter Container widget snippet |
fcent |
Flutter Center widget snippet |
frow |
Flutter Row widget snippet |
fcol |
Flutter Column widget snippet |
fex |
Expand widget snippet |
fszbw |
SizedBox widget snippet with just width argument |
fszbh |
SizedBox widget snippet with just height argument |
fszb |
SizedBox widget with width and height arguments |
fedgsym |
EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric |
fedgsymv |
EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric with vertical parameter |
fedgsymh |
EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric with horizontal parameter |
fimpmat |
Add material’s package import statement |
fstream |
Display a StreamBuilder widget |
felbtn |
Flutter ElevatedButton snippet |
Snippet |
Description |
dvar |
Dart variable declaration using var |
dfinal |
Dart variable declaration using final |
dconst |
Dart variable declaration using const |
dinvar |
Dart Public Instance variable snippet |
dprinvar |
Dart Private instance variable snippet |
dmt |
Dart public method snippet |
dprmt |
Dart private method snippet |
darr |
Dart public arrow function snippet |
dprarr |
Dart private arrow function snippet |
dopnctor |
Dart optional named parameters constructor snippet |
dlist |
Dart List collection snippet |
dmap |
Dart Map collection snippet |
dset |
Dart Set collection snippet |
dgetarr |
Dart arrow function getter snippet |
dimpas |
Dart import as snippet |
dimpshow |
Dart import show snippet |
dimplazy |
Dart import deffered as snippet |
dimphide |
Dart import hide snippet |
dexhide |
Dart export hide snippet |
dexshow |
Dart export show snippet |
dconvert |
Dart convert lib import snippet |
dimpmeta |
Add meta package import statement |
dan |
Add a Dart anonymous function |
dcla |
Add Dart Class snippet |
dclae |
Add Dart Class snippet with extends keyword |
Flutter Bloc pattern snippets
Snippet |
Description |
fblocprov |
Flutter bloc provider snippet |